Saturday, March 10, 2018

Expression vs Fundementals

Here's a painting done in class by artist, Becki Fink. It's a good example of how a portrait can be powerful. Not due to how realistic it is painted but, instead, due to the choices being made regarding other issues in art. Perhaps a balance was struck between emotional awareness and the logical brain to help inform decision making. After all, art is an expression of ourselves the same way dancing and music is. Expressing yourself comes first and not the worrying about how well it should be done.

Personally, if I had to choose one over the other (between fundamentals or expression) I would certainly choose expression. I would throw-out fundamentals and create without rules, without limitations or constraints on oneself. Especially when those limitations may have been conjured-up and handed down by teachers, institutions or the World of Art at large.

It certainly helps to have something to say about yourself as an individual. Express your ideas, your experiences, your feelings or life in general. Push your imagination and let your imagination realize your path.

If you think too hard about it, you may lose the point entirely.

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